PRESS RELEASE For immediate release
NWT Francophone Health Network launch its 2020-2021 Franco Doc Scholarship
Yellowknife, December 14, 2020| As part of the Franco Doc pan-Canadian project and thanks to funding from the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, the NWT Francophone Health Network (Réseau TNO Santé) is pleased to offer, for a second year in a row, a $2,500 scholarship to Francophone students enrolled in a health studies program in an English-speaking University.
The Franco Doc scholarship aims to raise awareness among students of the impact of language barriers on patient safety and health, and to encourage them to maintain their French skills to reduce these barriers. "Being able to provide health services in French is a major asset for a career in health care in the Northwest Territories. We are proud to be able to contribute to supporting the future delivery of French language health services in the NWT," said Audrey Fournier, Director of the NWT Francophone Health Network. This scholarship is part of a pan-Canadian initiative, the Franco Doc project, which offers medical students from English-speaking universities a wide range of tools and learning opportunities in French.
To be eligible for the Franco Doc scholarship, students must meet the following conditions:
· Study in a health program that will allow them to act as a professional directly with patients.
· Study in an English-speaking institution during the fall 2020 or the winter 2021 semesters.
· Have completed at least one year of schooling in the Northwest Territories, in French.
· Speak and write in French.
The NWT Francophone Health Network invites those interested to visit the student section of its website by January 22 to learn more about the scholarship and complete the online application form (in French only).
The NWT Francophone Health Network (Réseau TNO Santé) is a service of La Fédération franco-ténoise and one of the 16 French-language health networks in Canada. Its mission is to contribute to improving access to quality health and wellness services in French for the Francophone community of the Northwest Territories. For more information on Réseau TNO Santé, visit the website
Andréanne Simard Communication Officer
NWT Francophone Health Network (Réseau TNO Santé)